OKI MC853dnct farve multifunktionsprinter A3

OKI MC853dnct
The perfect choice for your workgroup with excellent print quality and copy functionality, this compact yet powerful smart MFP has a low total cost of ownership while providing all the functionality of higher-priced devices. The easy to use and fully customisable interface means the whole workgroup can take advantage of its excellent performance.
Print speed (colour) up to A4: 23 pages/minute
Time to first page (colour) 14 sec.
Print resolution 1200x600 dpi
Scanning resolution 600x600 dpi
Copy resolution 600x600 dpi
Memory (standard) 1290 MB
Paper tray capacity (standard) 400 sheets
Paper tray capacity (optional) 2005 sheets
Weight 64 kg
Operating noise 54 dB(A)
Capacity (rec. number of pages/month) 10000 Pages
Warranty 3-year warranty On-site if the product is registered at oki